Cookies Consent
Welcome to the “Cookies Consent” documentation. Looking to integrate a cookies consent into your website? Our widget allows you to build user trust, adhere to privacy regulations, and cultivate transparency in your online environment. In this guide, we'll show you how to use the editor to customize your cookies consent widget.

Step 1: Open the Editor
1. Go to Cookies Consent  template.
2. Click on "Edit" after choosing your template.

Step 2: Edit cookies options
In this panel, you'll handle the settings:
1. In this panel, you can easily add, remove and change options as needed.

2. Customize each option by adding a title and description. You also have the option to include services.

3. For each service, input its name and domain, define the HTML to be included, and decide if you want to load code before user consent. Click "Done" when finished.

Step 3: Adjust the Layout

1. In the Layout panel, you can adjust how your layout looks and behaves. You have control over things like size, rounding, width, popup position, adding an overlay, choosing how it's displayed, and even adding animations.

2. To make it banner, just keep its size set to full, delete the width value, choose either the top or bottom for the vertical position, and ensure it's displayed in an elevated manner.

Step 4: Configure settings

Here, you'll handle the settings:
1. Start by edit the necessary cookie title, tag and description according to your preferences.

2. Customize the cookies options by setting the border, adjusting the title weight, and modifying the text size. You also have the flexibility to convert it into an accordion, choose open and close icons, and select their size.

3. Edit the cookie details label and customize the service weight and text size.

4. Within the buttons, adjust their roundness, and you can choose whether to make them full or not. Customize each button label and adjust their size.

5. Finally, fine-tune the roundness of the floating button (if displayed), select its position, write its label if desired, and choose an icon to include.

Step 5: Choose Colors

1. Within this panel, you can select colors that match your website's design.

Step 6: Preview

Lastly, you can click on “Preview” to see how your cookies consent widget looks on both desktop and mobile devices. After this, you can proceed to the next step.