About Fouita Widgets

Fouita is a web-based visual builder. It offers a marketplace of widgets for you to customize and create your UI with advanced interactivity. You can customize everything from simple elements like buttons to more complex components like DataTables.

Get Started

This guide will take you through the fundamental steps for creating widgets on our platform. But first, let's get started by signing up for Fouita .

                   Step 1: Choose Your Widget and Template
                   Step 2: Edit The widget
                   Step 3: Set Up The Triggers

Step 1: Choose Your Widget and Template
1. Go to Fouita Explore and click on the widget you want to customize.

2. After selecting the widget, choose a template that suits your needs.

Step 2: Edit the widget

1.Go to the "Edit" section.

2. On this page, you have the freedom to customize your widget however you like. You can add elements, change images, and tweak the style to your content.

  • The "Edit Widget" section is different from each widget. If you want to learn how to edit a specific widget, please visit the Widgets Documentation for detailed instructions.

  •  The "Edit Widget" section is different from each widget. If you want to learn how to edit a specific widget, please visit the Widgets Documentation for detailed instructions.

  • 3. Moreover, make sure your widget appears well on mobile device by checking its responsiveness.

    Step 3 : Set Up The Triggers

    1. Now that you've customized your widget to your liking, it's time to set up the triggers the way you want.
    To learn how to do this, simply check out our Triggers Documentation.

    2. Once you're done, simply click on the "Create" button.

    Well done! You've now created your widget.