How to set up seperate views ?

  •  Upon signing in to your Fouita account, navigate to the Fouita dashboard and choose the specific widget to which you wish to add the views. 

  • Once you've pinpointed the specific widget you require, click on the "Set Separate Views" link.

  •   by clicking at the link, this window will be displayed : 

  •  Click at the "select Seperate Views"  button to apply the seperate views views to your widget .

    To add more views, click the "Add More Views" link, which will open the Fouita pricing page.

    On the pricing page, you can specify the number of widgets, the number of views, shared views credit, and storage you wish to add .

  • By configuring separate views, you can access your monthly view data on this card !

  • The widget's views are determined solely by the separate views, not by the credit views.

    Well done! You've set up different views for your widget