Age Verification

Age Verification

Welcome to the “Age Verification” documentation. Looking to integrate age verification into your website? Our widget helps enhance your website's safety and compliance by ensuring age-appropriate access to content and services. In this guide, we'll show you how to use the editor to customize your age verification widget.

Step 1 : Open the Editor
1. Go to Age Vrification templates.
2. Click on "Edit" after choosing your template.

Step 2: Configure settings

In this panel, you'll handle the age verification settings:
1. You can select the age verification method that suits your needs.
2. Additionally, you can set the minimum age for users to access your website content.If you opt for the birth date method, you can further decide whether to collect the full birth date or just the year of birth.
Then, you have the flexibility to customize the appearance of the input field, including its roundness, borders, width, spacing between inputs, and placeholder text.

3. You can either include your business logo and customize its width, or you can opt to insert an image, specifying its placement on the page as well as adjusting its width and height.

4. In the "Underage Action" section, you have the flexibility to determine whether to show a message or redirect to a URL.
For the message, you can edit its content, adjust background opacity, and select the text's position.

5. The same options apply to the required message, allowing you to edit its text, set background opacity, and choose its text position.

6. Finally, in this section, you can specify the content for your popup, edit the age verification text, configure the overlay settings, select the block and content positions, define the widget's display behavior, and customize its appearance, including options for borders, roundness, width, and height.

Step 3: Set Up buttons

1. When it comes to buttons, you can input labels for both buttons and adjust their widths to your preference.

2. Additionally, in this section, you have the option to customize their roundness, choose whether to display them inline or not, and control the spacing between them as well as their text size.

Step 4: Choose Colors

In this panel, you can select your background style: whether it's an image, a color, a gradient, or transparent. Furthermore, you can customize popup background, buttons, action and required messages, and other theme colors to harmonize perfectly with your website's design.

Step 5: Preview

Lastly, you can click on “Preview” to see how your age verification widget looks on both desktop and mobile devices. After this, you can proceed to the next step.