FAQ Section

FAQ Sections

Welcome to the “FAQ Sections” documentation. Looking to integrate an FAQ section into your website? Our widget helps you deliver clear and valuable information to your website visitors. In this guide, we'll show you how to use the editor to customize your FAQ section widget.

Step 1 : Open the Editor
1. Go to FAQ Sections templates.
2. Click on "Edit" after choosing your template.

Step2 : Edit FAQ Content

1. In this panel, you can easily add, remove, or rearrange your questions as needed.

2. Customize each FAQ by editing the question and answer to seamlessly match your website's content. You can also select the category where you'd like to place it.

3. In the "Category" tab, you can decide whether to display categories or not. You can also customize their size and make them bold.
For each category, simply enter its name and choose whether to include an icon alongside it.

Step 3: Configure settings

Here, you'll handle the FAQ settings:

1. You can decide if you want to show the header, and choose where to put it in the page.

2. In the "FAQ" section, you can select the number of columns you'd like to use and customize the style by modifying their display, spacing between questions, roundness, and borders.
Additionally, you have the option to enable the expanded mode and choose how the default expanded view will be presented to users.

3. In this section, you can set the content position, adjust the padding for questions and answers, decide whether to display question numbers, and select your preferred icons for opening and closing.


Step 4: Choose Colors

1. Within this panel, you can select colors that match your website's design.

Step 5: Preview

Lastly, you can click on “Preview” to see how your FAQ section widget looks on both desktop and mobile devices. After this, you can proceed to the next step.

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