Popup Reviews
Welcome to the “Popup Reviews” documentation. Looking to integrate a popup reviews into your website? Our widget is here to help you to effortlessly integrate compelling user reviews, enhancing the trust and credibility of your brand. In this guide, we'll show you how to use the editor to customize your popup reviews widget.


Step 1: Open the Editor
1. Go to Popup Reviews template.
 2. Click on "Edit" after choosing your template.

Step 2: Add and customize The content

In this panel you can easily edit the icon, decide whether to display or hide the business name, specify your rating, and select the preferred star icons.
Additionally, you can write a button label, insert a link, and enable the option to open it in a new tab.

Step 3: Adjust the Layout

In the Layout panel, you can adjust how your layout looks and behaves. You have control over things like size, rounding, width, popup position, adding an overlay, choosing how it's displayed, and even adding animations.

Step 4: perview

Lastly, you can click on “Preview” to see how your popup reviews looks on both desktop and mobile devices. After this, you can proceed to the next step.