Campaign Monitor Integration
A step by step guide to integrate Camaign Monitor into Fouita Widgets.
This integration serves the purpose or adding a subscriber into Campaign Monitor list after form submission.
First, you need to create any form based widget from Fouita, you can choose from subscription popups, form builder, wheel of fortune, quiz widgets... etc.
After creating your widget you need to visit the details page on your dashboard then click on "Integrations"
1. Setup the Campaign Monitor
Click on the "edit" icon to setup the integration
You will be asked to enter API Key and a List ID, in the following steps, you will learn how to fetch them from Campaign Monitor dashboard.
2. Fetch your Campaign Monitor API Key
Click on "Account settings" from the user menuGo to "API Keys" and visit the link Click to generate a new key or show the old key Copy the key and insert it into the "API Key" field of Fouita Integration 3. Fetch List ID
Visit "Lists & subscribers" and click on the list that you like to use, if you like, you can create a new list and visit the details page
Scroll down the page after clicking on "Settings" from the side menu.
Copy "List ID" and paste it into the CM integration form.
4. Mapping Fields
To Map fields between Campaign Monitor and Fouita Forms, you need to make sure the names are properly set in both sides. In the following screenshot, on the left the list of attribute names coming from Fouita, we only need to update the properties on the right side matching the exact properties on Campaign Monitor.
To find the exact field names on your Campaign Monitor, visit your list details page and click on "Custom Fields"
Copy the field names and use them to map the submitted data.
5. Activate the Integration
After testing and saving the integration, make sure to activate it
That's it now you should be able to see new subscribers into your Campaign Monitor list after form submission.